Bug Off! Mac OS

Hello All,

  1. Bug Off Mosquito Spray
  2. Bug Off Mosquito Control
  1. How to avoid or remove Mac Defender malware in Mac OS X v10.6 or earlier Learn how to avoid or remove Mac Defender malware in Mac OS X v10.6 or earlier. A phishing scam has targeted Mac users by redirecting them from legitimate websites to fake websites which tell.
  2. They assume the Mac OS bug will get fixed or the OS feature causing the bug in their app may not even appear in the Golden Master. So they don’t start to triage their app bugs until the crunch right before public release. In other words, App Developers seem to only deal with bugs in the current Apple public OS release.

Apple quickly issued an update to iOS 7 and iOS 6, but took longer to issued an update for Mac OS X, despite Apple confirming that the same SSL/TSL security flaw was also present in OS X. Today’s mystery actually began a few weeks ago, when I updated my Mac Pro from Snow Leopard to Lion (OS X 10.7.2). I had previously upgraded the other two Macs in our house without incident.


I am working on a USB Video Class (UVC) compliant device, and noticed some strange issues with UVC enumeration on Mac OS. I am currently running Sierra 10.12.1 on a Macbook Air 13' mid-2011 edition.

Often (~25-50% of the time), UVC class-specific enumeration is not completed. I have been testing with the device my company is creating, and as a control, an industry-standard UVC-compliant device (Logitech C920) and observed similar results. These are both USB composite devices, consisting of USB audio class (microphone, and optionally speaker) and USB video class (camera) components.

In all cases, the audio (UAC) functionality is properly enumerated when the device is plugged in. This is presumably because this is central to the operating system, and needs to be made available in the system sound preferences.

The video (UVC) functionality, however, is a different story. This is not enumerated until a camera application is executed, but fairly often, the video enumeration is just not initiated by the host. I have found somewhat better results when the USB device is plugged in prior to opening the camera application, but either way the video device is available significantly less than 100% of the time.

Yes, sometimes the user will have to unplug and re-plug the UVC device less than a few times in order to restore the camera functionality, but regardless the end-user experience seems rather poor for these class-compliant devices that are supposed to be supported by the USB driver that ships with Mac OS. I have tested with many applications - Photobooth, Quicktime, Facetime, Skype, Zoom, and Hangouts...all exhibited the same issue, so my presumption is that this is a bug in the UVC host driver in the operating system itself.

It's possible that I have missed something - I haven't really found a good way to see what's going on inside this version of Mac OS during the enumeration process. All I can see from my protocol analyzer is that sometimes the UVC function is initialized when the camera application starts, and sometimes it is not. Any advice on how I can gather more info on what is happening would be greatly appreciated!

Hopefully this is something that has been noticed and is being fixed. I will also look into following the formal bug reporting process, but it's probably a good idea to get some input from the community before taking that next step. Is anyone else seeing this? Does anyone know a good way I can log what is happening for the bug report?

Thanks in advance,


A phishing scam has targeted Mac users by redirecting them from legitimate websites to fake websites which tell them that their computer is infected with a virus. The user is then offered Mac Defender 'anti-virus' software to solve the issue.
This “anti-virus” software is malware (i.e. malicious software). Its ultimate goal is to get the user's credit card information which may be used for fraudulent purposes.
The most common names for this malware are MacDefender, MacProtector and MacSecurity.

Apple released a free software update (Security Update 2011-003) that will automatically find and remove Mac Defender malware and its known variants.
The Resolution section below also provides step-by-step instructions on how to avoid or manually remove this malware.


How to avoid installing this malware

If any notifications about viruses or security software appear, quit Safari or any other browser that you are using. If a normal attempt at quitting the browser doesn’t work, then Force Quit the browser.

In some cases, your browser may automatically download and launch the installer for this malicious software. If this happens, cancel the installation process; do not enter your administrator password. Delete the installer immediately using the steps below.

  1. Go into the Downloads folder, or your preferred download location.
  2. Drag the installer to the Trash.
  3. Empty the Trash.

How to remove this malware

If the malware has been installed, we recommend the following actions:

  • Do not provide your credit card information under any circumstances.
  • Use the Removal Steps below.

Removal steps

  1. Move or close the Scan Window.
  2. Go to the Utilities folder in the Applications folder and launch Activity Monitor.
  3. Choose All Processes from the pop up menu in the upper right corner of the window.
  4. Under the Process Name column, look for the name of the app and click to select it; common app names include: MacDefender, MacSecurity or MacProtector.
  5. Click the Quit Process button in the upper left corner of the window and select Quit.
  6. Quit Activity Monitor application.
  7. Open the Applications folder.
  8. Locate the app ex. MacDefender, MacSecurity, MacProtector or other name.
  9. Drag to Trash, and empty Trash.

Malware also installs a login item in your account in System Preferences. Removal of the login item is not necessary, but you can remove it by following the steps below.

Bug Off Mosquito Spray

  • Open System Preferences, select Accounts, then Login Items
  • Select the name of the app you removed in the steps above ex. MacDefender, MacSecurity, MacProtector
  • Click the minus button

Use the steps in the “How to avoid installing this malware” section above to remove the installer from the download location.

Bug Off Mosquito Control

Note: Apple provides security updates for the Mac exclusively through Software Update and the Apple Support Downloads site. User should exercise caution any time they are asked to enter sensitive personal information online.